ADF Art Gallery Project Vol.29 Yuqi Shinohara Solo Exhibition ¡ÈFROZEN SUPERMARKETS¡É

Yuqi Shinohara¡Ô¥Ö¥í¥¤¥é¡¼¥ë¡¼¥à / Broiler Room¡Õ2024

ADF (NPO Aoyama Design Forum) is pleased to present ¡ÈFROZEN SUPERMARKETS,¡É the 29th exhibition of the ¡ÈADF Art Gallery Project¡É by Yuqi Shinohara, an artist who questions our sensibility with the motif of the relationship between animals and humans, from Saturday 28 September to Saturday 12 October 2024.

Yuqi Shinohara has been creating works on the theme that our lives are made at the expense of other living creatures, especially animals as food. The title ¡ÈFROZEN SUPERMARKETS¡É is also symbolic of the unstoppable structure of human consumption of animals. The works presented in this exhibition were created by overlaying the sensations Shinohara has gained through her close involvement with club culture through her musical activities with her own themes. Just as a ¡Èno stop¡É DJ or a ballet pirouette is good to keep spinning, music that can be played over and over again is reminiscent of reincarnation, the cycle of reincarnation.

Yuqi Shinohara¡Ô̵Âê¡Õ2024

Yuqi Shinohara¡Ô̵Âê¡Õ2024

Yuqi Shinohara¡Ôround and round¡Õ2024

Yuqi Shinohara¡Ôround and round¡Õ2024

At first glance, Shinohara's works appear to be ¡Èbeautiful,¡É but they also have a cruel side, such as the use of materials of animal origin. The exhibition will present Shinohara's work as a new sensibility that escapes logical thinking. The way of expression that combines the contradictory elements of ¡Èbeauty¡É and ¡Èugliness¡É can be a circuit that redefines the extremes of ¡Èright¡É and ¡Èleft¡É as two sides of the same coin, rather than a dichotomy.

Yuqi Shinohara¡Ô0 degrees Celsius¡Õ2017

Yuqi Shinohara¡ÔAll behind the scenes¡Õ2014

Yuqi Shinohara¡ÔAll behind the scenes¡Õ2014

Yuqi Shinohara¡ÔBanquet¡Õ2016

Yuqi Shinohara¡ÔThe Lonely Funeral on Thanksgiving¡Õ2015

In recent years, the relationship between humans and animals has been the subject of much debate, not only over food issues, but also over the use of wool, fur, and leather goods, as well as pet stores and zoos. Various concepts have emerged, such as ¡Èvegan¡É to describe lifestyles that do not consume animals, but Shinohara does not glorify any particular position through her artworks.

Yuqi Shinohara¡Ôround and round¡Õ2024

Admission to the exhibition is free, so please feel free to drop by.

Yuqi Shinohara

Yuqi Shinohara, born in 1991, graduated from Hiroshima City University (Faculty of Art) in 2014 and moved to the United States. She also works as a musician under the name Q.i. Her own independent band ¡ÈMilk Talk¡É released a full-length album in November 2023. Her retro electro-funk style, which reflects the sensibility of the times, is popular beyond the boundaries of countries and genres. She has provided music for the online game ¡ÈFortnite¡É and Maison Kitsuné's fall/winter collection.

Instagram:  @q.imusic  

Yuqi Shinohara Solo Exhibition ¡ÈFROZEN SUPERMARKETS¡É

Dates¡§September 28 (Sat) to October 12 (Sat), 2024 *Closed on Sundays and holidays
Venue¡§GARDE Gallery (NBF ALLIANCE Bldg. 4F, 5-2-1 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo)

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