VOL. 357
    ADF Art Gallery Project Vol.27 “Entangled Emotions: Exploring Material Echoes through Expression” Exhibition
ADF (NPO Aoyama Design Forum) is pleased to present "Entangled Emotions: Exploring Material Echoes through Expression" by Zakir Salam, a Bangladeshi artist, as the 27th edition of the "ADF Art Gallery Project". This exhibition will be held from May 21 (Tuesday) to 31 (Friday), 2024. The exhibition will explore the deep bond between man and horse, with works that symbolize and embody the strength and speed of the horse. Admission is free, so please stop by if you are in the area.

DFA Design for Asia Awards 2024 calls for Entries!
The DFA Design for Asia Awards 2024, hosted by the Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC) with media partnership from the NPO Aoyama Design Forum (ADF), will accept entries until June 30.

As a supporting organization, we are pleased to offer you a discounted entry fee of HKD 980 per entry for registrations made after the discount period (May 15 to June 30). Please enter the discount code when submitting your entry. Click "Details" to obtain the code.

Trend Reports
Get Ready for ARCHIDEX 2024
ARCHIDEX, Malaysia's largest architecture exhibition, will be held for the 23rd consecutive year from July 3-6 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center and is poised to transform the industry with the latest innovations and cutting-edge technologies. NPO Aoyama Design Forum (ADF) is supporting the event as one of its media partners.

2024 Kyoto Global Design Awards Call for Submissions
Amidst the dynamic backdrop of 2024, as the world's gaze converges on the pursuit of sustainable well-being and the effortless fusion of state-of-the-art AI technology, the 2024 Kyoto Global Design Awards (KGDA) warmly invites creative designers and inventors from every corner of the globe. The central theme for this year revolves around achieving a harmonious union of aesthetics and sustainability, prompting creators to craft compelling, environmentally conscious, and socially impactful masterpieces. The NPO Aoyama Design Forum (ADF) actively backs the Kyoto Global Design Awards as a media partner.

Registration: Now to August 31th, 2024

Dezeen Awards 2024 is Now Accepting Entries
Dezeen Awards 2024 is now accepting entries. Standard deadline is 6 June, 2024, but you can save 20 per cent by entering before 27 March. Aoyama Design Forum proudly supports the award this year again. 

6 June 2024: late entry deadline

Trend Reports
【ADF Web Magazine】Waterside designed by SAOTA in Cape Town, South Africa
Waterside is situated in a nine-story beachside apartment building in Clifton, Cape Town, designed by SAOTA in 2009. Interior design studio ARRCC, in collaboration with Karen Stanek from KS Designs, had the task of merging three apartments over two levels.

Trend Reports
【ADF Web Magazine】(IN)VISIBLE: Design Through the Prism of Homelessness to be held at UQAM Design Center, Canada
The exhibition "(IN)VISIBLE: Design Through the Prism of Homelessness" at UQAM Design Centre, in collaboration with Architecture Without Borders Quebec and university professors, runs from May 23 to June 16. It addresses how the global housing crisis exacerbates homelessness, which is often hidden by urban strategies like hostile design and camp dismantling.

Trend Reports
【ADF Web Magazine】d’Armes’s “Console” lighting collection
As a testament to the power of creative synergy, d’Armes unveils two exclusive lighting collections with Consors at the 2024 International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF). The event will be held at the New York City Javits Center, May 19-21, 2024.

ADF Supports CSR Project
Awards are an option that is still not widely available in Japan. Let's be among the first to discover and develop new and fresh talent.

Incorporating "awards" as part of CSR activities into your corporate strategy can significantly increase your company's visibility in the public eye. The word "awards" is in common use worldwide, and your awards business will be recognized as a cultural and social contribution activity. ADF supports your awards program and accelerates your cultural and social contribution activities and branding.

There are awards that can only be provided by ADF, which has many connections around the world.

Call for works on the ADF Art x Design EC website
NPO Aoyama Design Forum (ADF) has launched the ADF Art x Design EC site to promote artists and designers further. Based on the concepts of "Your Art & Design Can Color Someone's Life," "Making Art & Design Accessible" and "Bring Colorfulness To Your Space," we hope that everyone can enjoy art and design more easily and add color to their lives.

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