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WA Awards 37th Cycle is now open and accepting entries

WAA37CallforSubmissions posters: Nocenco Cafe by VTN Architects in Vietnam won the WA Award in the 36th Cycle. Image courtesy of VTN Architects.

World Architecture Community (WAC) has begun opened the WA Awards 10+5+X 37th Cycle to evaluate innovative projects around the world. The judges will be world-famous architects, prominent researchers, top design leaders, past WA Award winners and members of WAC. The applicants should be architects, interior designers and students studying architecture and interior design.

Applicant should register as a member of the World Architecture Community (WAC) from here. Membership registration to the World Architecture Community is free. ADF (NPO Aoyama Design Forum) supports WA Award as a media partner.

Interior Designers, Interior Design Offices, and Students can join WA Award!

WA Awards has awarded over 1,600 projects since it was established. Recently, a new section has been added for interior designers and business establishments related to interior design, and we are accepting a wide range of entries as an opportunity to publicize their activities across the world.

This award has been growing as a highly regarded and well-known award, which has aim of shedding light on notable projects that pose questions to the modern architectural industry.


WA Awards accepts variety of projects from architects, interior designers and students in two main categories: Architecture and Interior Design. The projects should be submitted to three subcategories: Realized, Designed, and Student. The details are as follows.

For "Architecture"
・WA Designed Award: Projects that were not built
・WA Realized Award: Projects are actually built (within the last 10 years)
・WA Student Award: Project designed by Students

For Interior Design:
・WA Realised Award: Projects that are actually built (maximum within the last 10 years),
・WA Student Award: Projects designed by Students/Academics (projects must have been studied in students' undergraduate years or in Master's Degree),

WA Awards is completely free-of-charge for WAC Professional Members and Students.

Applicants can upgrade their accounts to Professional Members from the WAC accounts or here. This allows you to enter one project for free per cycle as part of your membership benefits, and submit your project in 4 (+1) Simple Steps. Students can also follow these steps to activate their account and submit their projects in easiest way.

Evaluation Criteria

The criteria for WA Awards are based on design Novelty, Originality and Creativity, and whether the projects are exciting and reflect the approach to the art of architecture. Furthermore, since this award aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice, explanations about the project and discussions among members will be critical for recognition as much as the designs themselves.

Timetable & Calendar

Deadline: Monday, March 22, 2021 (23:59 GMT)
Click here for entry (World Architecture Community member registration site)

Selection Process

The award dates are held three or four times a year, with each cycle being held within a same period. The first three months after the announcement of the start of the award will be the submission period. In the fourth month, the WA Awards judges will evaluate and vote on 10 projects, which corresponds to the first “10” of “10 + 5 + X”. Next, WAC members evaluate the projects for four months, and the five most evaluated projects (the five means the second “5” of “10 + 5 + X”) are selected. At the same time, the WA Awards judges may select additional “X” projects.

To evaluate the projects, you must be a WAC member, upload one or more projects to My Page, and make the project publicly opened and approved by the World Architecture Community.

Entry Fees

WA Awards Participation Fee for Associate Members (per Cycle and per Project):・
WAC Professional Members: Membership fee $ 180 / year ((Professional Membership grants you the right to participate in the WA Awards in either category, free-of-charge with one project per cycle for one full year)
・ Designed category: $ 100
・ Realized category: $ 200
・ Students: Free


The Jury will consist of Honorary Members and former WA Award Winners, who select the first 10 projects. Next, the top 5 projects are awarded by WAC members, and additional projects are selected as the "X" projects by WA Award Jury. The "X" should have something "special" that are suitable for being evaluated. All pricing details and benefits for WAC Professional Members can be seen from here. You can see past WA Awards winners here.

About WA Awards 10+5+X

Since 2006, the World Architecture Community has hosted the prestigious and acclaimed World Architecture Community Awards (WA Awards) for over 35 cycles. WA Awards tries to shed light on and evaluate potential projects that will raise exciting questions about contemporary architectural discourse. It is a place to provide equal opportunities for participants from all over the world, especially in areas generally less covered by international media.

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