Call for Artists for Metaverse Virtual Art Museum “COCO WARP”NPO Aoyama Design Forum is pleased to announce the opening of a new virtual museum "COCO WARP" on the Metaverse. We would like to announce a call for entries for this memorable opening exhibition. Would you exhibit your digital art with the surprise of depicting the culture of a different planet that no one knows about the grand romance that humanity in 3030 AD would express? |
Looking for Entries for Design Anthology Magazine! Design AnthologyWould you like to show the world your work? |
Collaboration Project with MIID: Call for Contributions to MIID E-NewsletterNPO ADF (Aoyama Design Forum) has launched a new project with the Malaysian Institute of Interior Designers (MIID). As part of the agreement, ADF will regularly post some articles on MIID E-Newsletter for its members. ADF is looking for articles and reports for the newsletters to share innovative and unique ideas and thoughts. |
Looking for writers! Why not send out the unique information that you saw and felt to all over the world? |