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ADF Supports CSR Project

Awards are an option that is still not widely available in Japan. Let's be among the first to discover and develop new and fresh talent.

Incorporating "awards" as part of CSR activities into your corporate strategy can significantly increase your company's visibility in the public eye. The word "awards" is in common use worldwide, and your awards business will be recognized as a cultural and social contribution activity. ADF supports your awards program and accelerates your cultural and social contribution activities and branding.

There are awards that can only be provided by ADF, which has many connections around the world.


Call for works on the ADF Art x Design EC website

NPO Aoyama Design Forum (ADF) has launched the ADF Art x Design EC site to promote artists and designers further. Based on the concepts of "Your Art & Design Can Color Someone's Life," "Making Art & Design Accessible" and "Bring Colorfulness To Your Space," we hope that everyone can enjoy art and design more easily and add color to their lives.


ADF has established media partnerships with Kyoto Global Design Awards and Designwanted, respectively

The NPO Aoyama Design Forum (ADF) is pleased to announce that it has entered into media partnerships with Kyoto Global Design Award (KGDA) and DesignWanted. Through these partnerships, ADF will collaborate with the platforms that promote the development of design on a daily basis to provide useful information for all and promote the development of the design industry.


Metaverse Virtual Museum “COCO WARP” presents the first special exhibition “Phygital World - Beyond Gutenberg -“

NPO Aoyama Design Forum (ADF) presents the exhibition “Phygital World - Beyond Gutenberg” at the Metaverse Virtual Museum “COCO WARP” from September 1 to October 31, 2023. This exhibition focuses on the theme of our physical senses, which are changing along with civilization.


COCO WARP, Japan’s first full-scale virtual museum using cloud 3D rendering technology, opens in the Metaverse

NPO Aoyama Design Forum (ADF) commissions a group of engineers "Team MeTa3030" to open a virtual museum "COCO WARP" in the Metaverse after taking a year and a half. By using various cutting-edge technologies, we will provide users with an overwhelming reality and performance that goes beyond the limits of VR. As an opening project, the first public exhibition of digital art will be held from June 15 to August 15, 2023 (scheduled). We will exhibit the works of 6 artists under the theme "A distant human journey, the unknown year 3030 - Humanity meets other cultures".


"Tabiico" published in the August issue of Discover Japan

The article about "Tabiico," a tourist search site created by NPO Aoyama Design Forum (ADF), has been published in the August 2022 issue of the monthly magazine "Discover Japan".


"Tabiiko" published in the August issue of Discover Japan

The article about "Tabiiko," a tourist search site created by NPO Aoyama Design Forum (ADF), has been published in the August 2022 issue of the monthly magazine "Discover Japan" by Discover Japan Co., Ltd.



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